Tuesday, May 12, 2009

BYJ... by Myoce

May 13, 2009

Hi, for those who can't go in KOB fan art gallery, I want to share here again one of my Baesisters some art works with her consent.

Thank you Myoce for those beautiful arts that you've share to us.
Thank you, thank you so much.
Keep up the good works 'coz
I'm always looking forward for more. (hek hek hek)


myoce said...

Oh my gosh !!...O MY GOSH....you really put them in your blog !!!!!!
Leny !!! I'm happily shocked to see my recent art work in KOB gazing right back at me from my blog roll..Ha Ha Ha
And it wasn't the only one you posted. Geee...I'm really honored to have my artwork put here by you. Thanks so much.

Btw....I think you are a wonderful and strong mommy ! Happy Mother's Day to you, may your children shower you with their love always.

Love, myoce

LENY said...

Hi myoce,

I told you before, Am gonna put here some of you works, Now you see, so nice isn't it?

Thanks a lot for sharing.

And being a single mother of 3, I must be strong what ever life gives even if it hurts. I must be as strong as a wall that shake but never collapse.Hope you do the same.

Love U, Leny