Tuesday, January 5, 2010

BYJ - So Cold As Snow

Jan. 5, 2010

Wondering of your where about yesterday when the heaviest snowfall dumped 11 inches of snow in Seoul.

Wondering how thick your wardrobes to fight the freezing weather that fall the lowest temp. to 12 degrees Celsius.

Wondering who's with you while you're watching the snow falls at the window and while you're making your self warm inside drinking some wine perhaps.

Wondering of what are you doing, when some Koreans battled to swift away the heavy snowfall that blanketed Seoul that even airports were force to stop their operations.

Wondering when you gonna stop ignoring us your so called "Family"....

2 photos from Betchay's blog , taken from their apartment (Thanks a lot)

AP Photo / Ahn Young Yoon
A walk through a heavy snow at Chongmyo Park in Seoul S.K.


annacronism said...

Hi, sister. You are not alone, wondering about our Yong Joon ssi. I have also been wondering the same kinds of things. It helps to know someone else is concerned about our "Prince Charming". I only hope he is safe and well. I hope you and all of our Family are safe and well, too. Love, Anna

LENY said...

Hello Anna,

Yes I'm so worried about him. Always in my thoughts, always wondering what he's doing right now, that I heard nothing personally from him yet.

He's so quiet now, don't know what the problem or is he sick again.

I'm really hoping that he's really fine and healthy and safe, same as all our Bae Sisters any where in the world.

Love, leny