Saturday, February 6, 2010

New image of BYJ

Feb. 6 , 2010

Thanks a lot to Makishi of BYJGallery who captured and shared this new images of BYJ that they said BYJ has a new hair style. His hair have grown so he has to comb it in side ways again.
And I think this photos were taken during his dubbing session of WLS anime.


Anonymous said...

Dear Leny:
Greetings on the second worst blizzard that is winding up this weekend, but with another one coming by next week. Now I can understand how it is in Winter Sonata when Junsang and Yujin get snowbound in the cabin on the hill and there is no way to go down.
Thank you for posting new pictures of Bae Yong Joon. They really look great -- he has recovered his health, his eyes are radiant again, and his hair is long and unkempt. Great rough coat and shawl, too.
Please find time to read and comment on my Knol on BYJ, too. Just google search: Junzi by Josephine Pasricha.
Sarang Hamnida,

Anonymous said...

Hi Leny,

Not sure I understand the red ring around BYJ:S hand. Something special there?


LENY said...

Hi Josephine,

So glad you passed by here..
My heartfelt thanks to you.

I'm always happy to share what ever I found about BYJ.

Don't worry I'm going your blog too, thanks for the link.
(but I don't know if I can write a comment, kasi you're so good in English, but me so bopol, baka pagtawanan you lang my writings, he he he,)I've always seen you in Jaime's blog kasi.

Thanks again,

LENY said...

Hi Ida,

That red circle... is about the thing that BYJ 's holding.
Makishi thought that BYJ was using an IPhone mobile.

Love, Leny