[Trans]BYJ’s message about the Teacher Hyojae’s Kimchee Festival Tour
English translation by Suehan/ Suehan's BYJ blog (thanks a lot sis)

Hello, I’m Bae Yong Joon.
I’m glad to hear that the teacher Hyojae will organize “the Hyojae’s Kimchee Festival”. I developed a precious relationship with the teacher Hyojae while I wrote a book last year. I could feel the beauty of the Korean culture, the tastes coming from her hands, and her truthful thoughts while I was learning how to make Kimchee at her house.
Kimchee has a superb taste and efficacy, and there is nothing that can be wasted. The Kimchee is our culture’s boast of pride. Most of all, I had delighted moments while I was making kimchee with my friends, and it still remains in my memory with the warm-hearted feelings. I hope you too have nice and warm moments at the Kimchee festival while you make kimchee with the teacher Hyojae.

Dear sis Leny,
I think Our Charming Prince always sounds so sweet whenever he sends a message to our Family. (I am really excited, bcause this is the first time he has sent us a personal message since I have been a Family member. It feels like this message was meant especially for me, even though I know it is to all the Family. His messages are always so friendly; I guess it makes everyone feel the same way I do about them.)I used to read the messages he had sent to the Family in the past, and wish one of them included me, and now, this one does! Is it always this exciting to get them, or is it just me?
I hope you had a good time on your birthday. Take care, dear.
Hi Anna dear,
How did you know my Bday hmmm.
But any way thank you sooooooo much.
I really have a great day during my Bday, with my friends and family.My friends gave me a surprise gathering, I was so overwhelmed.
My week was so busy, helping for the project of my Stephannie and Mycah.
And completing the required papers for the police report and insurance of our newly bought motorbike that was stolen last last day. Yah, it was car napped right inside our backyard.
It's just good that they didn't ransack our other things, They're interested only to our bike, it's a syndicate move you know.
Other than that incident, we're all okey and still doing fine. So don't worry, though I'm so sad about the lost, I'm still strong.
God is always watching us, right?
Take care too and God bless,
Love, leny
Sis Leny,
I found out about your birthday from an e-mail message I got on Facebook They always let me know when my FB friends have b-days. Iam glad you had a godd b-day.
I am so sorry to hear about your bike being stolen. I am just glad they didn't break into your house. You are fortunate that didn't happen; they might have hurt one or all of your family. I hope the police catch whoever stole it. Our Good Lord does look after us, and I am glad he was looking after you and your children when the bike was stolen. Take care, dear, and God keep and Godspeed.
Always thanks for the good thoughts Anna.
Yes the Lord is always looking after us, He never leave us.And I'm really grateful for that.
Take care,
Love, leny
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