Tuesday, October 26, 2010

‘Eco Calendar’ sold out completely in Korea and in Japan

[News]Bae Yong Joon sold out completely in two countries and will donate the entire profits.

Sports Hankook; 2010-10-21 06:06
Translate in English by Suehan ( thanks a lot)

3,000 copies of the ‘Eco Calendar’ were sold in Korea and Japan each.

Actor Bae Yong Joon recorded “sold out completely” in Korea and Japan.

Bae Yong Joon’s agent, Keyeast started to sale 2011 Keyeast Eco Calendar since the 5th of October, where their artists including Bae Yong Joon appeared as models. 3,000 calendars were released in Korea and Japan each, and were sold out within two weeks. It proves Bae Yong Joon’s popularity once again as it’s heard.

Profits from this sale would be about seventy million won. Its price was 6,500 won in Korea and 1,200 yen (about 16,650 won) in Japan. Entire profits except production costs will be donated to the Global Environmental Program (GEP) of the Korean Committee of the United Environmental Plan (UNEP).



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