Translated by:Suehan's BYJ Blog
[News]Bae Yong Joon will take “Family Picture” with his fan
2010-11-26 10:31

They are accepting applications on a first come first serve basis. “The application will be eligible to all of Asia.”
(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Yoon Ko Eun = Hallyu star Bae Yong Joon will take “family pictures” with his fans.
On the 26th, Bae Yong Joon’s agent, Keyeast stated, “Bae Yong Joon has been showing his special love towards his fans for a long time and has decided to take family pictures with his fans. This project will start in Korea and Japan and later expand to all of Asia.”
This project will be proceeding under the name of “Family Photo Project – We Are a Family”, and the application will be accepted on a first come first serve basis through Bae Yong Joon’s home page in each country.
They plan to accept applications from the 26th to 30th in Korea and after the middle of next month in Japan.
Keyeast said, “We will disclose the selecting numbers later. First, we will decide the numbers of families in each country we are willing to take, and Bae Yong Joon will take pictures several times after the families are categorize by sizes for their “Family Pictures”.
Bae Yong Joon said through his agent, “I would like to have a family picture which each family should have. I want to do it because we are a family. I have dreamed about it only in my mind. I’m going to make an album with family pictures which contain the faces of families. An album I will cherish forever.”
Keyeast said, “It, a long project, will start from Korea and will be created with many Asian Families. We will try to make it project where they can connect and communicate with Bae Yong Joon on a personal level.”
On the other hand, Bae Yong Joon will attend the charity event, “Smile Project – Message to Asia”, which will be held at Tokyo Dome in Japan on the 14th of next month with Kim Hyun Joong and Hwan Hee.
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