Sunday, September 18, 2011

[News Trans]Bae Yong Joon is just like my real brother; his presence is beyond imagination.

News trans from Suehan's blog (thanks a lot dear)

Bae Yong Joon is just like my real brother;
his presence is beyond imagination.

Oh my news 2011-09-17 10:25

We can’t forget Bae Yong Joon when we define Rep Yang Geun Hwan of Keyeast “Key Word”. Yang has been working with Bae Yong Joon over the last 10 years. Yang described his relationship with BYJ as, “Just like family, not only trust.”

“A love-hate relationship? There isn’t any hate, just love. He is just like my real brother. Even my wife calls him “Ajubeoni (suehan: brother-in-law)” I think we kept the relationship until now because we had complete faith each other.

In my career as a manager, I didn’t have much to say if I don’t talk about BYJ. I have been with him for so long, and our relationship will continue in the future as well. He is my mentor in life and at work.”

Bae Yong Joon is also his “Oh My Star” in his life. He said, “BYJ’s presence in my life is beyond imagination. He will be my ‘Oh My Star”. He also stated that “He influences me more as “a person than a star. He hasn’t worked for a long time, but he plans to return preferably with a drama than a movie,”

Yang has been living as someone’s manager for more than 10 years, not as “Yang Geun Hwan” himself. He said that he gains most strength when actors whom he are working with succeed. He looked back to the time when he had been deeply moved seeing Bae Yong Joon’s fans gathered at the airport.

On the other hand, there was a moment he didn’t want to face, an incident while meeting with BYJ’s fans. He also worked with Park Yong Ha. He said, “Last year, I was shocked tremendously when he passed away. Hopefully, it won’t happen again.”

“The Drastic Transformation” of entertainers is a daily topic in the entertainment industry. But Rep Yang prefers “Changes” to “Transformations”. In his opinion, it will naturally change when changes pile up and digestible spectrums are widened.

“Is it a right choice to dump everything to transform? There will be a great risk. I believe “Changes” are better than “Transformations”, unless turning points are necessary.”

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