Hi Friends,
Here's some of the still shots of BYJ in 2009 The Face Shop ads. Thanks a lot to Suehan , she posted it in BYJ Quilt/ freeboard #15122- June6'09. If not I did know that KOB posted it already in KOB/Gallery. It's been a long time that I haven't visited there.
Still shot from The Face Shop

Many thanks again to KOB/ Gallery and to Suehan.
And to my followers, (as if I have, he he he) Sorry if I keep on posting the same ads like the TFS, AB, or the visiting in Morioka articles. That's all we've got, we don't have any fresh news about BYJ yet. He doesn't show up. All we know is that he's too busy finishing about his book "The Beauty of Korea" and dubbing the "Winter Sonata" animation.
All the BYJ Family are excitedly waiting for his job done. We miss him sooooooo much, much more everyday. Despite of his hectic schedules I hope he's still doing fine and healthy.
All the BYJ Family are excitedly waiting for his job done. We miss him sooooooo much, much more everyday. Despite of his hectic schedules I hope he's still doing fine and healthy.
You have one follower at least. I'm looking in every day although I don't comment so often.
Take care
Hi Ida,
Thank you so much.
Yes, I know I have some silent readers, most of them are my BYJ sisters in BYJ Quilt and in KOB.
Some of them repost some of my posting in their own sites( That's why sometimes I feel so proud, they like my posting).
Hi Leny,
What a lovely post! In fact, what lovely dolls! You have an amazing collection and their faces and costumes are so beautiful. It must be a pleasure to look at them everyday.
You are really a talented artisan. I can't wait to see more of your works. Thanks for sharing with us!
love ... jaime
Hi Jaime,
How are you, are you Okay now?
I really hope so.
Thanks for coming and liking my dolls, still have more, I'm just busy that I can't take photos of them all yet.
At the later part I'm going to show the doll dresses I sewed for them. You know I'm a dress maker for my dolls only, he he he. I enjoyed making it.
Thanks again, and please "itsumo kiotsukete" and "hayaku genki de ne".
Love, Leny
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