Thursday, November 5, 2009

BYJ's In The Process of Recovering Completely

Nov. 5, 2009

Source: Suehan translated and shared this to us in BYJ Quilt
Many many thanks dear sis.

BYJ’s company said, “in the process of recovering
completely from sepsis.. Exercising hard”

2009-11-05 07:40

Money today Star News Reporter Kim Gyeowool

Photo credit as labeled

It is known that BYJ is recovering from sepsis which he was diagnosed last September.

On the 5th of November, Star News had a phone conversation with an official of his management company and he said, “He is recovering from sepsis. It’s hard to say that he’s fully recovered, but he’s doing normal activities fairly.”

He added, “He takes care of his condition himself and excises earnestly.”, and he shared BYJ’s updates by saying, “He’s working hard for the recording of animation Winter Sonata.”

In the middle of September, he had treatments at the hospital when he collapsed due to the symptoms of the early stage of sepsis. After that, he returned to Korea because he’s condition worsened during the Japan visit on the 2nd of last month. It has been reported that his condition worsened due to overwork and he has been working hard to recover his health.

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