Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Some Updates from Keyeast about BYJ

Much thanks to bb ♥ for the updates she shared @ Loveyongjoon that she just received direct from KEYEAST today.


KE: He is getting better than back then. But as you probably know, whoever suffers from neck injury has to care and tend to it consistently (*bb: believe they’re referring to the therapy sessions, etc). But you don’t have to worry too much about that. He is in good condition.


KE: YJ wants to meet his family on the big screen or TV too. But for now, I’m sorry to tell you that nothing has been fixed yet. But something’s gonna be fixed sometime in the future. Do look out for updates through the homepage.


KE: Unfortunately, this project will have to be suspended for a while. There are many reasons you know, eg. BYJ’s health, Dream high, Japan’s earth quake etc etc. We’re gonna re-start the project as soon as we possibly can. But at this point, it’s hard to tell when it will be started again. I’m sorry.

ABOUT Tea Loft @Lotte Hotel

(*bb: i suppose many of you would have read SUEHAN’s BLOGS POST about the closure of Tea Loft? so sad, so sad, so sad…! i really loved going to Tea Loft whenever i visited seoul! the strange thing is the notice about the closure has not been put up anywhere, and in the GORILLAKITCHEN SITE, the contact info and operating hours of Tea Loft are still there…)

KE: Unfortunately Tea Loft has closed as you know. However, the homepage has not been updated yet. Tea Loft was operational up until 31st Dec 2010.

BYJ Mobile Photos

Shared by Miemi @ BYJ gallery (Thanks a lot sis)

More not so old photos

Some photos shared by Sayaka (thanks dear)

[Screencaps]Documentary of "A Journey in Search of Korean's Beauty", Part 6 (DATV)

Reposted from Yasai's blog + Seuhan's blog (much much thanks sisters)

[Info]Tea Loft is closed

Seen this info from Suehan's blog, sad but perhaps they have another plan.

suehan: I found some postings on the internet regarding closing of Tea Loft which was located on the 14th floor of Lotte Hotel in Seoul. I was curious about it since it received excellent evaluations from Koreans and I also heard that their business was doing well. Some Korean fans in byjintoronto confirmed its closing. I believe it’s been closed as of December 31st, 2010.