Monday, April 4, 2011

A Thank You message for BYJ from Onpu Sama

From onpu-san- Thank you Yong Joon-ssi and All BYJ Family!

English translation by Flowerbossa (thanks sis)

Message from onpu-san-

We human beings are terribly helpless in front of natural disasters which occur out of the blue.
It is a reality that is too cruel to be put down as a test.
All I am able to do at this time is to accept this reality.
Yong Joon-ssi’s thoughtful, heartfelt warm message and the generous donation he made as an expression of his feelings…..
I cannot say how much they lifted our spirits!!!
And the kind, encouraging support and cooperation from BYJ family all around the world…
Your sympathic warm hearts give us much comfort and strength in this time of sorrow and suffering and we are thankful that you are lending us your hand.
A man cannot live alone.
When we think about each other and help one another, we will always be able to see the light.
We cannot go on grieving forever.
I too from this place would like to share the hurt and sorrow and continue to think about what I can do.
It shall take time, but I will not lose hope and move forward to recover and restore this country.
Yong Joon-ssi and BYJ family around the world, please continue to remember us in your prayers.
I hope the whole world will be at peace.
Arigato gozaimasu. Thank you very much.

2011 onpu

BYJ Manager’s Blog(66)

Source: BYJ Mobile Official Site
BYJ Manager’s Blog

to Japanese family
30 March 2011
by: Manager Yang Geun Hwan
Japanese to English: tomato99 ♥ @LoveBaeYongJoon(thanks)

Dear family,
this is Yang Geun Hwan.

In recent weeks, I have not been able to get my eyes off from news related to Japan.

What can I say to the family? I cannot be same as usual, I was actually really concerned.

Yong Joon ssi, myself and Keyeast staff are praying everyday for most safe and earliest for Japan to get steady.

Thinking about the family every day, I realize again how precious each and every day is.

I pray that you will overcome the difficulties and get your tranquil life again.

Dear family, please consider your health and safety your first priority.

Yong Joon ssi and myself pray for your health and for your happiness.

Kamsa Hamnida.

Yang Geun Hwan

[Repost]Warm support from Bae Yong Joon san

Source: Japan Tourism Agency
Japanese to English by tomato99 ♥ @LoveBaeYongJoon (thanks a lot sis)
updated: 30 March 2011

Korean Actor Bae Yong Joon san, who has worked diligently for Japan-Korea tourism exchange, has contacted the commissioner of the Japan Tourism Agency on 14 March 2011 to offer donation of 1 billion won (approx. 73 million yen) to support the victims of Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake.

Bae Yong Joon san had insisted to deliver everyday goods to the affected area.
15,000 blankets (mats) are ready to be delivered, starting today, blankets are sequentially sent to the disaster areas based on their damages.
(note: scheduled destinations are affected areas such as Iwate, Miyagi or Fukushima prefectures and other areas where facilities for disaster victims are located.)

We sincerely send our appreciation to Bae Yong Joon san, who has worked hard for Japan-Korea tourism exchange for many years, for his offer to support Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake.

Also, it is already decided that medical cruising vehicles etc. will be delivered as soon as they are ready.

JOB notice

source: JOB notice
Japanese to English by tomato99@LoveBaeYongJoon (thanks a lot)

title: Regarding delivery of goods for the victims of Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake

name: Digital Adventure

date: 2011/03/30 15:49:42


Bae Yong Joon has donated 1 billion won (approx. 73 million yen) to the Cabinet Office of Japanese Government for the victims of Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake.

We would like to report to you that the donated funds are first sequentially sent to disaster areas as 15,000 blankets.
And, three medical cruising vehicles will be delivered to the sites as soon as they are ready.

We sincerely pray for earliest recovery of the disaster areas, mental and physical health of affected people.

Bae Yong Joon will continue his support activity to help the victims of the disaster.