Wednesday, March 9, 2011

[trans]BYJ Staff Blog (20)

BYJ Going out….Dining with staff and their family

Repost from LoveBaeYongJoon
Japanese to English: tomato99 ♥

source: BYJ Mobile Official Site
BYJ Staff Blog

Going out…dining with staff☆
8 March 2011

(tomato: this is an excerpt from the posting.)

I received recent update on Bae Yong Joon-san last night, so I would like to share it today.

It is reported that Bae Yong Joon-san dined with Keyeast staff and their family at “Gorilla in the Kitchen (alias Gorilla),” last Sunday.

I had blogged last time that he had taken deliveries, but he may be getting bored staying home now.

Our most concern is his condition, it’s still not at best to do any physical training, but it’s “Okay!” for daily life, it seems he is making fair recovery.

BYJ was hoping to enjoy leisurely meal with Keyeast staff…
However, they had hard time with staff’s children (there were about 5 kids approximately ages 2 to 5), they were running around in the restaurant.
But, it seems BYJ was enjoying everything including all the hustle.

“You are all younger than me and having family and children, you guys are great…”
BYJ was joking and making everyone laugh.

After the meal, BYJ and children walked to “Dosan Park,” a park located in front of the Gorilla, and they were having much fun.

It seems BYJ is getting better every day, let’s hope that he will be all well soon.

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